S.O.O.B. Cockeysville
If you have landed here you have an opportunity that comes only to a few in a lifetime; A Historic Opportunity to be a signatory on the Founding Charter. Join us now as we are scheduled June 12-15, 2025.
To be part of this special event, fill in your information below and email us. We will email you a Petition, or you can click the link below to download the PDF. You will also need a letter of good standing for the Knight who is sponsoring you.
Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity!
Our FaceBook and Instagram are linked so give us a look and Join us!

95th Easter Sunrise Service - Grand Commandery of Virginia, Sunday, April 20, 2025
Sponsored by the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, will again be held on the steps of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia.
Sir Knights and their Ladies of the Social Order of the Beauceant have attended this beautiful and meaningful celebration in prior years.
Gathering in Fellowship
Our initiatives aim to bring help and assist each Sir Knight and all of the Commanderies which are located within the Grand Commandery of Maryland and beyond.

York Rite of Freemasonry
The Knight Templar draw the lessons of their Orders from the New Testament and are a Christian Order in Freemasonry. While there is no historic link to the Templars of old, today’s Templars revere the lessons taught and chivalric honor maintained.